Daftar Error Code Fanuc Robot dan Cara Mengatasinya - jufrika com
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Daftar Error Code Fanuc Robot dan Cara Mengatasinya

 Hai sobat jufrika.com seperti artikel sebelumnya introduce fanuc robot, merupakan salah satu brand root lengan industri yang cukup popular, dan jika robot fanuc sudah terinstall pada perusahaan maka perusahaan membutuhkan seorang yang mampu me maintenance robot tersebut. Berikut ada beberapa daftar error ketika me maintenance robot fanuc. Artikel ini akan selalu di update ketika penulis menemukan problem baru guna membantu para engineer di luar sana yang perlu artikel ini.

SRVO-003 or SRVO-234 Deadman switch release

EN : The yellow buttons on the back of the controller have been released while the programming the robot in T1 mode.
ID : Button kuning pada belakang kontroller terlepas ketika pada T1 mode (Programming mode)

SRVO-160 Panel/external E-stop

EN : The controller emergency stop button or the external emergency stop has been pressed.
ID : Emergency Stop Button/ External Emergency Tertekan.

SRVO-161 Fence open or Deadman switch released

EN : This alarm appears when the “deadman” buttons are released, or the robot’s fence is open.
ID : Button Deadman terlepas, atau area perlindungan gerak robot terbuka.

SRVO-162 Deadman/Fence or Panel/External E-stop

EN : This code appears when the “deadman” buttons are released, when the protective envelope (fence) of the robot is open, or when one of the emergency stop buttons is pressed.
ID : kode ini muncul ketika "deadman" button terlepas, ketika area perlindungan robot terbuka, atau emergency stop button tertekan.


EN: his fault is generated by a controlling device, such as a PLC, sending an Immediate Stop Signal to the robot on the UOP Input. To temporarily disable this signal and all UOP signals, disable the UOP inputs.

Go to system -> config and disable UOPs

If your robot does not have a config menu then do the following.

1) Hit menu -> 0 Next -> System

2) Hit F1 and select Variables

3) scroll down to $OPWORK -> hit enter

4) scroll to $UOP_DISABLE

5) change value to 1 and hit enter

** the robot will no longer run in an automatic mode with UOP control until the value is changed back to Zero.

Silahkan berkomentar untuk error code yang belum terlist sobat :)
